Meet The Trustees

Miss Deepika Akolekar FRCS,MD
(Chair of Trustees)
Consultant Breast and Oncoplastic Surgeon Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Dr Russell Burcombe
MBBS BSc FRCP FRCR MD (Deputy Chair)
Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Mr Colm Walls
Volunteer with a career in Financial Management

Mrs Helen Teare
(Fundraising & PR Manager)
Patient Volunteer . Helen is the lady to contact if you require fundraising packs, equipment and merchandise.

Ms Judy Mallett
(Fundraising Assistant)
Patient Volunteer with a background in Nursing

Mrs Hazel Randall
(Fundraising Assistant)
Patient Volunteer

Mrs Laura Freeman
(Website Administrator)
Patient Volunteer with background in Marketing