Donations & legacies
If you and your family and friends would like to remember a loved one please remember Breast Cancer Kent. The charity is run entirely by unpaid volunteers and so each and every penny given goes straight to the charity to directly benefit patients in Kent.
If you would like to donate to the work of Breast Cancer Kent please see the various online and offline methods below:
- Make a donation via our JustGiving page.
- Create a fundraising page via JustGiving and start raising money for Breast Cancer Kent
- View our JustGiving profile.
"Give as you live" Online
An easy way to fundraise, just by shopping with your normal online retailers.
- Go to Give as you live
Online Bank Account Payment
Breast Cancer Kent,
Account Number: 56252196,
Sort Code: 60-60-08.
By Cheque
Please make cheques payable to 'Breast Cancer Kent' and send to: Breast Cancer Kent PO Box 1355 Maidstone ME14 9UP
Gift Aid
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate if you are a current UK taxpayer.
- Download a Breast Cancer Kent Charity Gift Aid Declaration form here (single donation).
- Download a Breast Cancer Kent Charity Gift Aid Declaration form here (multiple donations).
- Download a Breast Cancer Kent Sponsorship and Gift Aid declaration form here.
Please complete, sign and return forms to:
The Treasurer
Breast Cancer Kent
PO Box 1355
ME14 9UP
Above all - we thank you sincerely for your support.
All donations are most gratefully received. Correspondence is acknowledged, but please bear with us, as all administration for the charity is carried out by volunteers working full-time in other roles! Please be assured we most sincerely appreciate your donations. Thank You.