Do You Have Some Time To Spare? Breast Cancer Kent is run entirely by volunteers. The Trustees and Committee give their time and skills completely free of charge so that all money donated to the charity goes directly where it should - to helping those with a breast cancer diagnosis in Kent.
We are always looking for help with our fundraising events and initiatives. Could you spare a couple of hours to help run a stall at a Christmas event? Could you help meet and greet guests at one of our fundraising functions? Help with teas and coffees?
The Committee currently comprises Trustees, Fundraising Co-ordinators, Event organisers, Website and Social Media Co-ordinators.
We Need YOU!!
We are currently looking for more help with administration of the charity. Do you have some skills to lend us? It doesn't have to take up too much time - a couple of hours a month would greatly help - and you would find it fun and rewarding.
The role would be as a volunteer and would require you to take minutes at our quarterly charity meeting at Maidstone Hospital, which usually happens on a Tuesday evening between 6pm - 8pm. Once the minutes are distributed, you'd need to chase up actions - we all need a nudge to get things done! There is some paperwork to do, some post to collect from our PO Box and some website enquiries to forward to the right person. You'd be working alongside the Consultants and Volunteer Trustees and would need to be very organised, enjoy administration, able to communicate and use technology. Most of all you need to be a willing team-player who likes to get the job done and dusted! Please get in touch via the enquiry form link here below...
Become One Of Our 'BCK Buddies'
Why not register as a 'BCK Buddy'? If you are not able to help on a regular basis, but are able to give some of your time occasionally, then please register with our fundraising co-ordinator, Helen. Helen might then call on you for ad hoc assistance at one of our events - maybe helping other volunteers to sell raffle tickets, or manning a stall for a couple of hours at a Christmas Fayre? Does this sound like something you'd be interested in? Get in touch via our enquiry form!
If you are able to help on an ad hoc basis, or give more regular commitment, please get in touch with us. Thank you. Your help will be greatly appreciated!