The charity has put together a wish list of projects and equipment that are needed for the coming year. Due to generous donations, fundraising and bequests, we have been able to consider a diverse range of items that we can now look to fund. Can you or your company help us raise further funds for the growing wish list?
- An MRI software upgrade to allow a guided biopsy under MRI for abnormal areas in the breast that can’t be seen on mammogram or ultrasound.
- An audio-visual upgrade of the multi-disciplinary team seminar room at Maidstone hospital, to allow clearer imaging to be viewed amongst the professionals planning individual patient care.
- Purchase of a high tech lipo-filling machine to allow efficient fat transfer for revision surgery, thus avoiding the use of implants and lessening risk to patients.
- Funding a library of books to assist patients living with secondary breast cancer to be able to discuss their diagnosis with their children & families.
- Funding of vital equipment for research scientists at the University of Kent School of Biosciences for cancer therapeutics work in the form of a bursary. The Unit works closely with this team.
- Improved counselling room at Tunbridge Wells and funds to help the running of Maidstone’s Patient Support Group.